Feb 122012

A recent idea among the Greenwood Village city council is to make some parks in the area into dog parks. This topic has caused a lot of stir from the public and a lot of interest at meetings.

If Greenwood Village were to make some of these parks into dog parks, they mentioned it would only be for a period of time during the day at any park. For example, from 5-8 at a specific park, the park would be home to off-leash dogs.

This off leash component of the idea is what I think makes people worry. Dogs off their leashes can be quite dangerous depending on the dog. If the council thinks this is a good idea, it should also consider the following:

1) Dogs make messes, and not all owners are the type to clean up after their dogs, making this a responsibility for the city.

2) Dogs off leashes are a potential threat to adults, children, and wildlife in the area.

3) Dogs are not only a danger to humans but also a danger to other dogs.

If the city council would like to make some parks in the area into dog parks, the time limit is a good idea. They should also consider the 3 potential hazards above, and they should alert the public around these parks who use them, by sending out a flier letting them know the park’s new change. I also think that signs should be put up around the parks saying the hours when dogs can be off their leashes, rules about letting your dog off its leash (such as picking up after it), and alerting citizens of the risks they face being around off leash dogs.

If I were to vote on this issue, I would vote yes for making a few parks into off leash dog parks as long as rules were put into place, hazards were considered by the board, and citizens were notified of the recent change. Dog parks can be a fun and rewarding addition to the city as long as these things and the safety of citizens are taken into account.


  •  Posted by on February 12, 2012 at 1:26 pm
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Ashley Folkman

When i was one day old i was adopted, and if i could remember it, that would be my first memory of government. I am the only one out of my 5 brothers and sisters with blonde hair and brown eyes. I attend cherrycreek highschool and i love it! I turned 17 january 20th 2012. my favorite subject in school is, and has always been, science. My plans after highschool are to attend the University of Northern Colorado in order to Major in Biochem and minor in education. I have wanted to be a teacher since 1st grade when i got to write on my teachers overhead. I am currently writing an Oped peice for the Denver Post and I am very excited to be starting this internship as government has always interested me.

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