Jan 122014

BioThis council study session was held on January 1st. At the beginning of the meeting Council members were discussing potential development and redevelopment projects. However, with the mature nature of the Greenwood Village community, they acknowledged that future development will be limited.  The main discussions City Council members had, were acknowledging that there is a relationship between the impacts of a proposed development action and the required mailed notification radius. These projects would require people living in a specific district and within certain proximity of the development to be notified of potential impacts it may cause. The City Code lists the types of impacts that need to be considered, such as traffic, view corridors, noise, property values, and the provision of public services in making an approval to develop an area or redevelop a pre-existing area. After reviewing those impacts, council members proceeded to discuss the strengths and weaknesses of the current notification radius system.

The current notification method utilizes a lot level resolution to determine inclusion in the notification radius. This means that properties included within the radius will be notified and those that are outside of the radius will not be. This lot level resolution has some flaws as it produces disparate notification treatment among adjacent neighbors. The advantage of the approach is that the properties being notified can be easily identified and it is efficient for staff to generate a mailing list using the Arapahoe County’ GIS system. Some potential replacements to the current notification system could be notifications through the subdivision geographies and the homeowners associations. The use of the notification radius clearly has had its shortcomings. As an alternative to the use of the notification radius system, GV City Council members are looking to propose the creation of commercial development impact zones that would be standardized for each identified commercial area.

  •  Posted by on January 12, 2014 at 12:51 pm
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